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Mennonite and Amish books include culture, life, history, and foods.
Kansas history and travel books. Agricultural history and books on rural living.
Genealogy helps. Including a 10-generation fan chart.
Made-in-Kansas products - Quail Creek Copper (decorative metal work)
Locally made crafts - Barn Quilts painted by local woman, Peppernut makers.
The Museum does not accept credit or debit cards. Click to request ordering information.
We now have a slightly U-S-E-D local Mennonite church cookbook section. Come and see the selection.

Quail Creek
We sell Peppernuts
and Peppernut Makers

Leave No Threshing Stone Unturned by Glen Ediger

Handmade for the Museum Store. Something new you won't find at the big box stores : Tea pot cozies, and matching coasters.

Agricultural books and rural life in general
Mennonite life and Kansas travel books
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