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Mennonite Heritage and

Agricultural Museum

MH&AM Heritage Fundraiser                    Dinner was

         April 5, 2024  6:30p.m.
Tabor Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall

Heritage Dinner April 5, 2024.jpg
Fru (married woman) packing for the Journey

Mayleen Thiesen Vinson
"Packing for the Journey"


Toasted Zwieback chest
Brityne Rucker info 2023.jpg

Mennonite Heritage Fundraiser Dinner was March 31, 2023 

Mennonite Heritage Fundraiser Dinner  was March 25, 2022  

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Heritage Dinner crowd.jpg
Heritage Dinner 2022.jpg
Ilona  Abrahams 2022.jpg
Ilona Abrahams.jpg

Mennonite Heritage Fundraiser Dinner  March 13, 2020 

Donna Becher (Carrie Chapman Catt (2 of
Donna Becker at Museum Dinner 2020

Food catered by Keith's Foods of Goessel, KS

Entertainment featured a first-person reenactment of Suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt. She was instrumental in securing the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920. 

Mrs. Catt was portrayed by Donna Unruh Becker, certified first-person historical performer with the company Historical Echoes. Donna was born in Goessel and graduated from Goessel High School.

Donna Becker as Carrie Chapman Catt. 

Mennonite Heritage Fundraiser Dinner. 

Friday March 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. 

Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church 

Fellowship Hall



Keith's Foods of Goessel  catered the event.

Heritage Dinner-Melissa Scheffler/ Goessel Museum

Mennonite Heritage Fundraiser Dinner 
April 6, 2018

Melissa Scheffler speeks at 2019 Museum Dinner/Goessel Museum
2019 Heritage Dinner/Goessel Museum
2019 Heritage Dinner/Goessel Museum
2019 Heritage Dinner/Goessel Museum

Mennonite Heritage Fundraiser Dinner.  Our featured speakers were Marci Penner and WenDee LaPlant

Dinner was catered by Keith's Foods at Tabor Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall. 


WenDee and Marci at Heritage Dinner
Menu of Heritage Dinner 2018
Museum Heritage Fundraiser Dinner

2014-2024 Mennonite Heritage

and Agricultural Museum

created by Fern Bartel nee Schmidt 


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