Ancestor Stories
Mennonite Heritage and
Agricultural Museum
Let's take a Look into the Past

Heinrich A. Schmidt came from
So. Russia with the Alexanderwohl congregation in 1874. He and his family would have stayed in the original immigrant house until they could build a more permanent house.
From time to time, this page will feature ancestors that settled in the Goessel area; so keep checking in.

This is a photo of the Schmidt family display case in the Immigrant House.

Anna Schmidt geb. Unruh was one of the original ancestors to emigrate from the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Village in So. Russia.
Heinrich A. and Anna (Unruh) Schmidt
For an example of one of the first houses - click on this image.
Helena Lehrman, nee Unruh, was an original ancestor of the Goessel community.

This is a photo of the Lehrman family display case in the Immigrant House.

David Lehrman was an original ancestor who settled the Goessel community.
David is buried in the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church cemetery in the first row of the NW corner. Helena Unruh Lehrman is buried in the same cemetery in the NW quarter, a few rows east of David's tombstone.

David and Helena (Unruh) Lehrman
2014-2024 Mennonite Heritage
and Agricultural Museum
Created by Fern Bartel nee Schmidt